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Monday, December 14, 2009

More on Oceanus - Oceanus’s Solar System - 00002

The Oceanus Solar System


Oceanus’ Solar System
Sun/Star Sirius
Star Class F5 MS
star dimensions; diam 1.43 M 1.52 V 1.47 D 1.43 g 32.91 ST 11,061F L 1.40
diam 143 M 525,550 V 1,911,000 D 1.43 g 32.91 ST 11,061F L 1.40
0.555AU from Star
NoM 0
diam 0.42 M 0.16 V 0.16 D 5.55 g 0.42 AT 444F
Class C Planet
Reina & Saloma
0.92AU from Star
NoM 0
Reina; diam 0.94 M 0.89 V 0.93 D 5.15 g 0.86 AT 274F
Saloma; diam 0.94 M 0.90 V 0.94 D 5.25 g 0.94 AT 74F
Double Planet
Reina; Class V Planet
Saloma; Class Vt Planet
1.5AU from Star
NoM 2 - Tifa & Aerith
diam 1.12 M 1.12 V 1.12 D 5.50 g 1 AT 69F
Class T Planet
1 Oceanus year = 567 days, 1 Oceanus day = 24.0 hours
TSA 220,850,000 - WSA 77.4%- 170,749,750 - LSA 22.6%- 50,100,250
3.05AU from Star
NoML 3 NoMS 7
diam 2.55 M 2.17 V 2.25 D 4.69 g 1.00 AT 42F
Class Re Planet
5.19AU from Star
NoML 3
Unknown number of smaller moons
Very Large Ring System
diam 10.24 M 103 V 789 D 0.89 g 0.98 AT -225F
Class S Planet
13.5AU from Star
NoML 5
Unknown number of smaller moons
Medium sized Ring System
diam 8.41 M 89 V 746 D 0.66 g 0.88 AT -298F
Class S Planet
26.82AU from Star
NoML 1
Unknown number of smaller moons
Medium sized Ring System
diam 3.4 M 14 V 60 D 1.34 g 1.10 AT -355F
Class U Planet
32.68 AU from Star
NoM 0
diam 0.20 M 0.009 V 0.012 D 2.4 g 0.09 AT -360F
Class I Planet
Otto Asteroid Belt
38.36 to 41.28AU from Star

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